SRJC Game Dev Bootcamp

SRJC Game Dev Bootcamp

Become a Game Developer in 35 Weeks

All Courses Offered Online

Game Development is a fast-growing career track, and the SRJC Game Dev Bootcamp teaches you the specialized skills you need to tap into this rewarding industry. Through a fast-paced, immersive curriculum, you’ll learn the skills needed to become proficient as an entry-level game developer and designer.


Learn through a rigorous curriculum that covers...

Game History

Game Design

Game Coding

Game Engines


3D Modelling


Development Environments

Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics

Systems Thinking

User-Centered Design

Agile Methodology

Gain Real-World Experience

As you embark on this 35-week journey, you’ll dive into a challenging curriculum and learn more than you thought was possible. With a virtual classroom environment and collaboration with your classmates, you will get hands-on experience in game development.


Study part-time while maintaining your work schedule

a professional work environment by teaming up with your peers and put your new skills into practice on complex projects.

access to additional courses that cover additional in-demand technologies, including virtual reality, 3D rigging and animation, and advanced programming courses.

a Skills Certificate from Santa Rosa Junior College that demonstrates your achievements.

from a wide set of career services: resume support, technical interview preparation, portfolio reviews, soft skills training, coaching, job matching, and more to help you launch or advance your career.


Learning to make games is an intensive undertaking

If you are craving to expand your knowledge and join the game world, seeking to advance or change careers, and most importantly: ready to roll up your sleeves and work HARD... then the SRJC Game Dev Bootcamp could be the life-changing move you’ve been looking for.


This Game Dev Bootcamp Is Right for You If...

You are looking to find a new career or life path – or make the move from a non-technical position to a technical one.

You are interested in pursuing an advanced A.S. degree in Game Development at SRJC.

You seek to learn the skills to execute on an entrepreneurial idea and build your own game.

You have the ambition to grow your knowledge and add to your skills while in another career.




Bootcamp Schedule
Fall 2024 Spring 2025
CS 40: History of Games
and either elective:
CS 10A: Introduction to Programming Concepts and Methodologies
CS 50A: Web Development 1
CS 41: Game Design
CS 42: Introduction to Game Coding
GD 90: Designing the User Experience
August 19 - December 13, 2024 January 13 - May 23, 2025


“Thank you for inspiring me to pursue a career in video game development... Since receiving the A.S. degree, I have been studying at the University of Utah for a Bachelors degree in Games.”
— Recent Game Program Graduate

Recent Graduates

Graduates of this program have gone on to continue their education at four-year schools in private and public universities, including the UC and CSU systems, secure employment at firms such as 2K and Activision, and self-publish independent games and interactive media.

Career Paths

Game development is one of the fastest growing career paths in the world. The San Francisco Bay Area is one of the three leading regions worldwide for game development careers, both by number of companies and employees.

Job titles include: Content Designer, Game Designer, Game Programmer, Game Tester, Graphics Engineer, Level Designer, Multimedia Artist, Animator, World Designer.

Labor Statistics

Labor Statistics
Software Developers median pay $111,620 per year
Special Effects Artists / Animators median pay $84,780 per year
Software Developers job outlook, 2018-28 21% growth
Multimedia Artists / Animators job outlook, 2018-28 4% growth

» Learn more about Multimedia Artist / Animator careers

» Learn more about Software Developer careers

» Learn more about Special Effects Artist / Animator labor statistics

» Learn more about Software Developer labor statistics



Contact Information

Game Development Program
Computer Studies Department

Ethan Wilde
Game Development Program Coordinator
(707) 527-4855
Maggini Hall 3rd Floor, Room 2937, CS Dept Office



Program Literature

SRJC Game Development program flyer

» Download the SRJC Game Development Program flyer

Game Development at SRJC